iTunes Connect内ではアプリ内課金のプロダクトの種別を指定することが可能です。
A consumable In-App Purchase must be purchased every time the user downloads it. One-time services, such as fish food in a fishing app, are usually implemented as consumables.
一度購入すれば有効になるプロダクト。ゲームで例えると追加ステージであったり、 キャラクターを追加するのに使用できる。一般的には元々アプリ内に存在しているがロック状態であった機能をアンロックするのに使用される。
A non-consumable In-App Purchase only needs to be purchased once by the user. Services that do not expire or decrease with use, such as a new race track for a game app, are usually implemented as non-consumables.
自動継続型購読プロダクト(Auto-Renewable Subscriptions)
最近、iTunes AppStoreの規約が厳しくなったようで、Newsstandsに含まれる新聞や雑誌といったアプリでないと使用できず、リジェクトされるケースが相次いでいるとの話もあります。
An auto-renewable subscription allows the user to purchase in-app content for a set duration of time. At the end of that duration the subscription will renew itself, unless the user opts out. An example of an auto-renewable subscription would be a magazine or newspaper that takes advantage of the auto-renewing functionality built into iOS. Auto-renewable subscriptions will be delivered to all devices associated with the user’s Apple ID. When you create an auto-renewable subscription in iTunes Connect, you begin by selecting the duration(s) that you will offer. When a duration ends, the App Store will automatically renew the subscription. Note that if the user has opted out of this functionality, the subscription will expire at the end of that duration. You must make sure that your app can determine whether a subscription is currently active and renewable.
無料購読プロダクト(Free Subscription)
Free subscriptions are a way for developers to put free subscription content in Newsstand. Once a user signs up for a free subscription, it will be available on all devices associated with the user’s Apple ID. Note that free subscriptions do not expire and can only be offered in Newsstand-enabled apps.
非継続型購読プロダクト(Non-Renewing Subscription)
In the past, a non-renewing subscription has been used for services with a limited duration. An example of this would be a magazine or newspaper that requires users to renew their own subscriptions. Non-renewing subscriptions can still be offered, but auto-renewable subscriptions are now preferred for the following reasons: -When creating an auto-renewable subscription, you can easily set up the various durations that you want to offer. Non-renewing subscriptions do not have this feature, so you must provide the information some other way. As this is often done in the display name, you end up with a separate listing for every possible duration. By contrast, auto-renewable subscriptions allow you to have a single listing where the user simply chooses one of the durations that you offer. -Because a non-renewing subscription requires a user to renew each time, your app must contain code that recognizes when the subscription is due to expire. It must also prompt the user to purchase a new subscription. An auto-renewable subscription eliminates these steps. -As part of iOS, an auto-renewable subscription will automatically be delivered to all devices associated with the user’s Apple ID. To make device-syncing available for a non-renewing subscription, you would have to create your own delivery system.